Anduin Raises $14 Million in Seed Round

by Kay Aloha Villamor in August 31st, 2021

Anduin, an AI company that helps accounting firms and other professional services organizations modernize their invoicing and billing, has secured $14 million in a seed round headed by Revolution Ventures. 

With this new funding, the company will expand its award-winning Intelligence-Based BillingTM platform to include a new Predictive Insights solution and a new suite of Practice Management solutions.

Company: Anduin, Inc.

Raised: $14.0M

Round: Seed Round

Funding Month: July 2021

Lead Investors: Revolution Ventures

Additional Investors

Company Website:

Software Category: Intelligence-Based Billing™ platform>AI

About the Company: Anduin help accounting firms in streamlining their billing processes, increasing cash flow, and delighting their customers. The Anduin Intelligence-Based BillingTM platform automates, shortens, and improves time-consuming procedures like invoice preparation, collections, and payments, freeing up high-value partners and employees to provide more to clients and operate at the top of their license. Accounting firms can save time, bill faster, and reduce administrative headaches; finance leaders can reduce days-in-arrear, speed up client payments, and smooth cash flow; and executives can better protect financial health with predictive insights and controls, as well as improve their firm's reputation.


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