Anduin, an AI company that helps accounting firms and other professional services organizations modernize their invoicing and billing, has secured $14 million in a seed round headed by Revolution Ventures.
With this new funding, the company will expand its award-winning Intelligence-Based BillingTM platform to include a new Predictive Insights solution and a new suite of Practice Management solutions.
Company: Anduin, Inc.
Raised: $14.0M
Round: Seed Round
Funding Month: July 2021
Lead Investors: Revolution Ventures
Additional Investors:
Company Website:
Software Category: Intelligence-Based Billing™ platform>AI
About the Company: Anduin help accounting firms in streamlining their billing processes, increasing cash flow, and delighting their customers. The Anduin Intelligence-Based BillingTM platform automates, shortens, and improves time-consuming procedures like invoice preparation, collections, and payments, freeing up high-value partners and employees to provide more to clients and operate at the top of their license. Accounting firms can save time, bill faster, and reduce administrative headaches; finance leaders can reduce days-in-arrear, speed up client payments, and smooth cash flow; and executives can better protect financial health with predictive insights and controls, as well as improve their firm's reputation.