ALEIA Raises €8 Million in Seed Round  

by Kay Aloha Villamor in April 19th, 2022

ALEIA, a Paris, France-based provider of an AI SaaS platform, raised €8 million - €2 million in equity and €6 million non-dilutive - in a seed round in 2021.

The round was led by European technology investors such as Charles Beigbeder, Raphaël Auphan, Ludovic Bodin, AI Fund from Germany and Bpifrance.

The company intends to use the funds to boost the development of the 1st European open and collaborative AI Platform and hire 60 more people this year both in Paris, France and remotely across Europe.

Company: ALEIA SAS 

Raised: €8.0M

Round: Seed Round

Funding Month: 

Lead Investors: Charles Beigbeder, Raphaël Auphan, Ludovic Bodin, AI Fund from Germany and Bpifrance

Additional Investors:

Company Website:

Software Category: Open and Collaborative AI platform

About the Company: Founded in 2020 by Antoine Couret and François Lainée, Aleia provides an AI SaaS-based platform that facilitates the collaborative work of Data Scientists, Data Engineers and AIOps and makes it possible to share data while allowing everyone to keep control over it, from R&D to production. ALEIA positions itself as the meeting point between the offers of editors and the business needs of industrial sectors in terms of artificial intelligence. ALEIA collaborates within an ecosystem and offers a platform to bring together the best French and European service providers. ALEIA has already integrated a dozen AI partners on its platform, such as Cosmian, XXII, Qwam, LeVoiceLab, ITrust, Cliris, Linkurious, AG - and more partners are joining them across Europe.  



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